How to Order

Sierra InfoNet has developed two different order forms depending on how we are to obtain records. In order for Sierra InfoNet to copy records from a facility. Sierra InfoNet must have some sort of release stating that we are entitled to copy the records. Usually that release comes in the form of an Authorization signed by the person we are obtaining records on or we can produce a Subpoena on your behalf to compel the custodian to produce the records. Please select the appropriate order form from the list below.

          Authorization Order Form
          Subpoena Order Form
          Workers Comp Order Form

Sierra InfoNet can assure excellent service if you follow these guidelines when filling out your order for records. Sierra InfoNet makes it very easy to place an order. You can either place an order on this website, you can phone in your orders or we can provide you with order forms that you fill out and either mail or fax into Sierra InfoNet. It is that easy.

Ordered By: Fill this section in completely. The attorney's full name and State Bar Number are necessary to issue a subpoena. Be sure to indicated if you are representing Plaintiff or Defendant.

Ship To: If "other" be sure to specify a street address. Records cannot be shipped or hand delivered to a P.O. Box.

Invoice To: If "other" be sure to include complete carrier information including Adjusters Name, Claim File Number, and Client Insured. The carrier cannot make payment without this information.

Records Pertain To: Fill in the section completely to insure that Sierra InfoNet copies records on the proper person, entity or case.

Copy Instructions: Fill in this section completely. Be specific and use the special instructions section of the order form when you need to provide us special information or when you require services not listed on our order form. Remember, all records will be copied unless otherwise specified.

Records Location (Custodian of Records): Provide as much information as possible as to the location and phone number of the Custodian of Records.

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